Walking backstage at the Ruby Lounge I was nervous - I'd heard a lot about the Trills' tour antics but I didn't expect anything like this. As I poked my head through the dressing room door I had to duck a flying vodka bottle that smashed on the wall where my head had been. 'Oh fuck, sorry!' says wild-eyed front-woman Tallulah Brown. 'You looked just like my ex, I told him to stay the fuck away.' She's sitting in the corner scratching 'Boyz Suck' into her guitar with a razor-blade, somehow I don?t feel welcome here. The rest of the band - Lawson, Bërman and D'Arby - lounge about sneeringly. Bërman is screaming something down the phone at some poor roadie that?s lost a set of guitar picks, Lawson is doing shots and D'Arby is spinning round the chamber of a .38 very menacingly. Again, somehow I don't feel welcome here, but I'll try and conduct the interview anyway...
Jealousy Magazine: So how did you guys come to meet?
Alicia Lawson: What fucking business is it of yours, dickhead?
JM: Well I?m the interviewer.
Imogen Bërman: Interviewer schminterviewer, fuck you.
Tallulah Brown: You're just jealous.
JM: Erm...What are the main messages your band tries to get across?
TB: Firstly fuck you, and secondly just love and peace man, love and peace.
Seraphina D'Arby And just to get fucked up man, rock n roll, that's what it's all about you know?
JM: Right, so you've become known now for trouble at quite a few venues across the UK, are you having trouble trying to find gigs?
TB: What are you trying to say, fucker?
AL: Look, yeah we know we have this rep, but sometimes its good. I mean, we've got the Burnham-on-Sea and Weston-super-Mare Death Angels riding with us on the second leg of the tour, it looks pretty fierce when you see us all cruise into town.

And fierce they are. On tour this year the band have been riding Harleys across the country with their gear following behind in a minibus. The interview couldn't progress any further after that because everything just descended into violence. More glass was smashed, and Alicia had got up to vomit in the corner. In the band?s own words, if the Vagabond Trills are coming a town near you - 'watch the fuck out!'
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