When you're pretty sure someone's gone and C'd in your K. Fcuk. And that's funny for many reasons, fashion or otherwise.
Fucking hell this rocks. Just dance with myself for two hours in front of the mirror brushing my teeth. It's fucking cool man........nnnn aman mana mananama amananamamanam. I reckon someone accidentally left a bit a you know what in my you know what. Stand up against the wall because that?s where the mirror is and that's where the other room is FUCKER! WOO! Fuck knows, I just shouted wooooooo! Down my sink like it's 1999. It's partay tyme I tell ya. What the fer da sher is my toothpaste? Wooo! Fluoride probably, it's the shit you stuffed up your nose that matters. What was it? Woooooooooo!
I turn around and my own room is a tip, full of the articles of my shitty life but then you look into the mirror and there is that w-w-w-w-w-w-woooooooo-GUY! Mr Can DO! FESTA! FESTA! Giorgio Moroder toothpaste moustache. WOO! Fuckin, whoever thought Italo-Disco and brushing my teeth made such a fucking prime perfection couple??? Well whodathoughtit? ShitIfuckinspeltthatright! Wooo!
My toothbrush was like see through purple (pretty disco anyway) but now it's see through with sparkly bits, like a fucking disco ball in your mouth motherFUCKer! IT'S THE SWEARING AND THE CAPITALS THAT LETS YOU KNOW I'M WOOOOO!
I can't remember even what I'm doing. I'm not allowed to look back you see? By who? Me. Got to go out soon, imposisviorv. Impossible. I felt a blip. But ingore it and it goes away? How can you write this you can't it's coming out and I'm not thinking. Not looking at the keys jst my finfgers fodning the worj, \\
Right Party.
Oh how could I forget, I know at the end I'll feel shit and low and !(I'll put a ! because at this point I can't think of the third word - it's a mixture of these - desperate, unmotivated, nothing to look forward to, ashamed, upset, wanking, bored, anyway. Look no close bracket. Ha! That's what a trip's like. You get an open bracket - WOOOOOO! But then no close bracket.
Shit I'm desperately hanging on to my high here, and arguing with my head. Shit I have to think.
Thank-yousergesantiagomegaMIX! The open bracket is the beginning of the trip, you know you're not boring normal anymore, and we're/they're off. When I say u say we say they say make some NOIISE! What the fuck is this § ? But there is no close. I hate the close. It is never definite and never the same, I hate it, but there is no close. So you can't have afuckingnother bracket. I don't want to be the one that doles 'em out.
Fuck have I shat myself?
Better check.
Okay again then. The bracket. Alright then so we've established that a trip starts with a (
I didn't put a full stop there because that would be a bit paradoxical.
Just by the way, totally off subject - I reckon you know something's wrong when you're fucked and you look back on things you did sober and frown, annoyed with yourself. Shouldn't it be the other way round? And then you know it's even worse when you just laugh it off. Like this. a. ahaha. aHAHAha. aHAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA.
Okay I'll admit you do get a ) but not just like that. It has to develop. You have to recover, you can't just drink all the time can you? No, your body has to process it. So you'll know you have a ) when you're totally sober and normal. Usually it's best to assume that you won't get one without any sleep after your first bracket, so wait a day. Maybe two. Or if you're fucking with reeaaaaally trippy stuff then it could be days weeks months or yeaaaars...
And then once you've got your ), sit on it for a little while until get the opportunity for a (